Performance benchmarks


MNIST is a standardized image dataset of handwritten digits [1], commonly used to benchmark classifiers. Here, we adapt Scikit-learn’s MNIST benchmark to include a supervised Subsemble. We use the sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans clustering algorithm to create five partitions that we train using 2-fold cross validation.


We use four base learners, the MLP fitted with Adam, the two random forests and the logistic regression fitted with SAG. Each base learner is predicts with predict_proba to create a \(N \times (10 \times L)\) prediction matrix, where \(N\) is the number of observations and \(L\) is the number base learners. A sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier is used as meta learner. Here’s the code:

clt = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0)

ens = Subsemble(partition_estimator=clt,

ens.add(base_learners, proba=True, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
ens.add_meta(meta, shuffle=True, random_state=2)

The Supervised Subsemble outperforms the benchmarks, improving the error rate by about \(6\%\).

>>> python

Classification performance:
Classifier               train-time   test-time   error-rate
Subsemble                   343.31s       3.17s       0.0210
MLP_adam                     53.46s       0.11s       0.0224
Nystroem-SVM                112.97s       0.92s       0.0228
MultilayerPerceptron         24.33s       0.14s       0.0287
ExtraTrees                   42.99s       0.57s       0.0294
RandomForest                 42.70s       0.49s       0.0318
SampledRBF-SVM              135.81s       0.56s       0.0486
LinearRegression-SAG         16.67s       0.06s       0.0824
CART                         20.69s       0.02s       0.1219
dummy                         0.00s       0.01s       0.8973

The Friedman Regression Problem 1

The Friedman Regression Problem 1, as described in [2] and [3], is constructed as follows. Set some sample size \(m\) , feature dimensionality \(n\), and noise level \(e\). Then the input data \(\mathbf{X}\) and output data \(y(\mathbf{X})\) is given by:

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{X} &= [X_i]_{i \in \{1, 2, ..., n\}} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \ \times \ n}, \\ X &\sim u[0, 1], \\ \\ y(\mathbf{X}) &= 10 \sin(\pi X_1 X_2) + 20(X_3 - 0.5)^2 + 10X_4 + 5X_5 + \epsilon, \\ \\ \epsilon &\sim \mathrm{N}(0, e).\end{split}\]


The following benchmark uses 10 features and scores a relatively wide selection of Scikit-learn estimators against a specified SuperLearner. All estimators are used with default parameter settings. As such, the benchmark does not reflect the best possible score of each estimator, but shows rather how stacking even relatively low-performing estimators can yield superior predictive power. In this case, the Super Learner improves on the best stand-alone estimator by 25%.

>>> python
Benchmark of ML-ENSEMBLE against Scikit-learn estimators on the friedman1 dataset.

Scoring metric: Root Mean Squared Error.

Available CPUs: 4

Ensemble architecture
Num layers: 2
layer-1 | Min Max Scaling - Estimators: ['svr'].
layer-1 | Standard Scaling - Estimators: ['elasticnet', 'lasso', 'kneighborsregressor'].
layer-1 | No Preprocessing - Estimators: ['randomforestregressor', 'gradientboostingregressor'].
layer-2 | (meta) GradientBoostingRegressor

Benchmark estimators: GBM KNN Kernel Ridge Lasso Random Forest SVR Elastic-Net

Features: 10
Training set sizes: from 2000 to 20000 with step size 2000.

  size | Ensemble |      GBM |      KNN | Kern Rid |    Lasso | Random F |      SVR |    elNet |
  2000 |     0.83 |     0.92 |     2.26 |     2.42 |     3.13 |     1.61 |     2.32 |     3.18 |
  4000 |     0.75 |     0.91 |     2.11 |     2.49 |     3.13 |     1.39 |     2.31 |     3.16 |
  6000 |     0.66 |     0.83 |     2.02 |     2.43 |     3.21 |     1.29 |     2.18 |     3.25 |
  8000 |     0.66 |     0.84 |     1.95 |     2.43 |     3.19 |     1.24 |     2.09 |     3.24 |
 10000 |     0.62 |     0.79 |     1.90 |     2.46 |     3.17 |     1.16 |     2.03 |     3.21 |
 12000 |     0.68 |     0.86 |     1.84 |     2.46 |     3.16 |     1.10 |     1.97 |     3.21 |
 14000 |     0.59 |     0.75 |     1.78 |     2.45 |     3.15 |     1.05 |     1.92 |     3.20 |
 16000 |     0.62 |     0.80 |     1.76 |     2.45 |     3.15 |     1.02 |     1.87 |     3.19 |
 18000 |     0.59 |     0.79 |     1.73 |     2.43 |     3.12 |     1.01 |     1.83 |     3.17 |
 20000 |     0.56 |     0.73 |     1.70 |     2.42 |     4.87 |     0.99 |     1.81 |     4.75 |

  size | Ensemble |      GBM |      KNN | Kern Rid |    Lasso | Random F |      SVR |    elNet |
  2000 |     0:01 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |
  4000 |     0:02 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:00 |
  6000 |     0:03 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:01 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:01 |     0:00 |
  8000 |     0:04 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:04 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:02 |     0:00 |
 10000 |     0:06 |     0:01 |     0:00 |     0:08 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:03 |     0:00 |
 12000 |     0:08 |     0:01 |     0:00 |     0:12 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:04 |     0:00 |
 14000 |     0:10 |     0:01 |     0:00 |     0:20 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:06 |     0:00 |
 16000 |     0:13 |     0:02 |     0:00 |     0:34 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:08 |     0:00 |
 18000 |     0:17 |     0:02 |     0:00 |     0:47 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:10 |     0:00 |
 20000 |     0:20 |     0:02 |     0:00 |     1:20 |     0:00 |     0:00 |     0:13 |     0:00 |


[1]Y. LeCun, C. Cortes, C.J.C. Burges “MNIST handwritten digit database”,, 2013.
[2]J. Friedman, “Multivariate adaptive regression splines”, The Annals of Statistics 19 (1), pages 1-67, 1991.
[3]L. Breiman, “Bagging predictors”, Machine Learning 24, pages 123-140, 1996.