Source code for mlens.parallel.wrapper


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017-2018
:license: MIT

Estimator wrappers around base classes.
from .. import config
from .base import BaseParallel, OutputMixin
from .backend import ParallelProcessing
from ..utils.exceptions import ParallelProcessingError, NotFittedError

[docs]class EstimatorMixin(object): """Estimator mixin Mixin class to build an estimator from a :mod:`mlens.parallel` backend class. The backend class should be set as the ``_backend`` attribute of the estimator during a ``fit`` call via a ``_build`` method. E.g:: Foo(EstimatorMixin, Learner): def __init__(self, ...): self._backend = None def _build(self): self._backend = Learner(...) It is recommended to combine :class:`EstimatorMixin` with `parallel.base.ParamMixin`. """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, proba=False, refit=True): """Fit Fit estimator. Parameters ---------- X: array of size [n_samples, n_features] input data y: array of size [n_features,] targets proba: bool, optional whether to fit for later predict_proba calls. Will register number of classes to expect in later predict and transform calls. refit: bool (default = True) Whether to refit already fitted sub-learners. Returns ------- self: instance fitted estimator. """ if hasattr(self, '_build'): self._build() run(get_backend(self), 'fit', X, y, proba=proba, refit=refit, return_preds=False) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y, proba=False, refit=True): """Fit Fit estimator and return cross-validated predictions. Parameters ---------- X: array of size [n_samples, n_features] input data y: array of size [n_features,] targets proba: bool, optional whether to fit for later predict_proba calls. Will register number of classes to expect in later predict and transform calls. refit: bool (default = True) Whether to refit already fitted sub-learners. Returns ------- P: array of size [n_samples, n_prediction_features] prediction generated by cross-validation. """ if hasattr(self, '_build'): self._build() return run(get_backend(self), 'fit', X, y, proba=proba, refit=refit, return_preds=True)
[docs] def predict(self, X, proba=False): """Predict Predict using full-fold estimator (fitted on all data). Parameters ---------- X: array of size [n_samples, n_features] input data proba: bool, optional whether to predict class probabilities Returns ------- P: array of size [n_samples, n_prediction_features] prediction with full-fold estimator. """ if hasattr(self, '__fitted__'): if not self.__fitted__: raise NotFittedError( "Instance not fitted (with current params).") return run( get_backend(self), 'predict', X, proba=proba, return_preds=True)
[docs] def transform(self, X, proba=False): """Transform Use cross-validated estimators to generate predictions. Parameters ---------- X: array of size [n_samples, n_features] input data proba: bool, optional whether to predict class probabilities Returns ------- P: array of size [n_samples, n_prediction_features] prediction generated by cross-validation. """ if hasattr(self, '__fitted__'): if not self.__fitted__: raise NotFittedError( "Instance not fitted (with current params).") return run(get_backend(self), 'transform', X, proba=proba, return_preds=True)
def get_backend(instance): """Check whether backend exists and return""" _backend = getattr(instance, '_backend', None) if _backend: instance = _backend if issubclass(instance.__class__, BaseParallel): return instance raise ParallelProcessingError( "The estimator does not have a backend. Cannot process.") def set_flags(backend, flags): """Set proba on backend""" resets = list() if 'layer' in backend.__class__.__name__.lower(): updates = [backend] + backend.learners elif 'group' in backend.__class__.__name__.lower(): updates = backend.learners elif not isinstance(backend, list): updates = [backend] else: updates = backend for obj in updates: _res = dict() for key, val in flags.items(): if hasattr(obj, key): _res[key] = getattr(obj, key) setattr(obj, key, val) resets.append((obj, _res)) return resets def reset_flags(resets): """Reset proba on backend""" for obj, _res in resets: for k, v in _res.items(): setattr(obj, k, v) def set_predict(kwargs): """Set attr argument and proba""" out = dict() proba = kwargs.pop('proba', False) if proba: out['proba'] = proba out['attr'] = 'predict_proba' if proba else 'predict' return out def set_output(kwargs, job, map): """Set the __no_output__ flag""" if 'return_preds' in kwargs: if kwargs['return_preds']: __no_output__ = False else: __no_output__ = True else: __no_output__ = job == 'fit' kwargs['return_preds'] = job != 'fit' if not map: # Need to ensure outputs always generated for stacking __no_output__ = False return __no_output__
[docs]def run(caller, job, X, y=None, map=True, **kwargs): """Utility for running a ParallelProcessing job on a set of callers. Run is a utility mapping for setting up a ParallelProcessing job and executing across a set of callers. By default run executes:: out =, job, X, y, **kwargs) :func:`run` handles temporary parameter changes, for instance running a learner with ``proba=True`` that has ``proba=False`` as default. Similarly, instances destined to not produce output can be forced to yield predictions by passing ``return_preds=True`` as a keyword argument. .. note:: To run a learner with a ``preprocessing`` dependency, the instances need to be wrapped in a :class:`Group` :: run(Group(learner, transformer), 'predict', X, y) Parameters ---------- caller: instance, list A runnable instance, or a list of instances. job: str type of job to run. One of ``'fit'``, ``'transform'``, ``'predict'``. X: array-like input y: array-like, optional targets map: bool (default=True) whether to run a :func:`` job. If ``False``, will instead run a :func:`ParallelProcessing.stack` job. **kwargs: optional Keyword arguments. :func:`run` searches for ``proba`` and ``return_preds`` to temporarily update callers to run desired job and return desired output. Other ``kwargs`` are passed to either ``map`` or ``stack``. """ flags = set_predict(kwargs) flags['__no_output__'] = set_output(kwargs, job, map) resets = set_flags(caller, flags) try: verbose = max(getattr(caller, 'verbose', 0) - 4, 0) _backend = getattr(caller, 'backend', config.get_backend()) n_jobs = getattr(caller, 'n_jobs', -1) with ParallelProcessing(_backend, n_jobs, verbose) as mgr: if map: out =, job, X, y, **kwargs) else: out = mgr.stack(caller, job, X, y, **kwargs) finally: reset_flags(resets) return out