:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017-2018
:license: MIT
Base classes for parallel estimation
Schedulers for global setups:
Base setups - independent of other features:
Global setups - reserved for aggregating classes:
Dependents on 0:
Dependents on 0, 2:
Note that schedulers are experimental and may change without a deprecation
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from ._base_functions import check_stack, check_params
from .. import config
from ..utils.exceptions import ParallelProcessingError
from ..externals.sklearn.base import clone, BaseEstimator as _BaseEstimator
[docs]class ParamMixin(_BaseEstimator, object):
"""Parameter Mixin
Mixin for protecting static parameters from changes after fitting.
.. Note::
To use this mixin the instance inheriting it must set
``__static__=list()`` and ``_static_fit_params_=dict()``
in ``__init__``.
[docs] def _store_static_params(self):
"""Record current static params for future comparison."""
if self.__static__:
for key, val in self.get_params(deep=False).items():
if key in self.__static__:
self._static_fit_params[key] = clone(val, safe=False)
[docs] def _check_static_params(self):
"""Check if current static params are identical to previous params"""
current_static_params = {
k: v for k, v in self.get_params(deep=False).items()
if k in self.__static__}
return check_params(self._static_fit_params, current_static_params)
[docs]class IndexMixin(object):
"""Indexer mixin
Mixin for handling indexers.
.. note::
To use this mixin the instance inheriting it must set the
``indexer`` or ``indexers`` attribute in ``__init__`` (not both).
def __indexer__(self):
"""Flag for existence of indexer"""
return hasattr(self, 'indexer') or hasattr(self, 'indexers')
[docs] def _check_indexer(self, indexer):
"""Check consistent indexer classes"""
cls = indexer.__class__.__name__.lower()
if 'index' not in cls:
ValueError("Passed indexer does not appear to be valid indexer")
lcls = [idx.__class__.__name__.lower() for idx in self._get_indexers()]
if lcls:
if 'blendindex' in lcls and cls != 'blendindex':
raise ValueError(
"Instance has blendindex, but was passed full type")
elif 'blendindex' not in lcls and cls == 'blendindex':
raise ValueError(
"Instance has full type index, but was passed blendindex")
[docs] def _get_indexers(self):
"""Return list of indexers"""
if not self.__indexer__:
raise AttributeError("No indexer or indexers attribute available")
indexers = [getattr(self, 'indexer', None)]
if None in indexers:
indexers = getattr(self, 'indexers', [None])
return indexers
def _setup_0_index(self, X, y, job):
indexers = self._get_indexers()
for indexer in indexers:
indexer.fit(X, y, job)
[docs]class OutputMixin(IndexMixin):
"""Output Mixin
Mixin class for interfacing with ParallelProcessing when outputs are
.. note::
To use this mixin the instance inheriting it must set the
``feature_span`` attribute and ``__no_output__`` flag in ``__init__``.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def set_output_columns(self, X, y, job, n_left_concats=0):
"""Set output columns for prediction array"""
[docs] def _setup_3_output_columns(self, X, y, job, n_left_concats=0):
"""Set output columns for prediction array. Used during setup"""
if not self.__no_output__:
self.set_output_columns(X, y, job, n_left_concats)
[docs] def shape(self, job):
"""Prediction array shape"""
if not hasattr(self, 'feature_span'):
raise ParallelProcessingError(
"Instance dose not set the feature_span attribute "
"in the constructor.")
if not self.feature_span:
raise ValueError("Columns not set. Call set_output_columns.")
return self.size(job), self.feature_span[1]
[docs] def size(self, attr):
"""Get size of dim 0"""
if attr not in ['n_test_samples', 'n_samples']:
attr = 'n_test_samples' if attr != 'predict' else 'n_samples'
indexers = self._get_indexers()
sizes = list()
for indexer in indexers:
sizes.append(getattr(indexer, attr))
sizes = np.unique(sizes)
if not sizes.shape[0] == 1:
"Inconsistent output sizes generated by indexers "
"(sizes: %r from indexers %r).\n"
"outputs will be zero-padded"
% (sizes.tolist(), indexers))
return max(sizes)
return sizes[0]
[docs]class ProbaMixin(object):
""""Probability Mixin
Mixin for probability features on objects
interfacing with :class:`~mlens.parallel.backend.ParallelProcessing`
.. note::
To use this mixin the instance inheriting it must set the ``proba``
and the ``_classes(=None)``attribute in ``__init__``.
def _setup_2_multiplier(self, X, y, job=None):
if self.proba and y is not None:
self.classes_ = y
def _get_multiplier(self, X, y, alt=1):
if self.proba:
multiplier = self.classes_
multiplier = alt
return multiplier
def _predict_attr(self):
return 'predict' if not self.proba else 'predict_proba'
def classes_(self):
"""Prediction classes during proba"""
return self._classes
def classes_(self, y):
"""Set classes given input y"""
self._classes = np.unique(y).shape[0]
[docs]class BaseBackend(object):
"""Base class for parallel backend
Implements default backend settings.
[docs] def __init__(self, backend=None, n_jobs=-1, dtype=None,
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else config.get_dtype()
self.backend = backend if backend is not None else config.get_backend()
self.raise_on_exception = raise_on_exception
def __iter__(self):
[docs]class BaseParallel(BaseBackend):
"""Base class for parallel objects
name : str
name of instance. Should be unique.
backend : str or object (default = 'threading')
backend infrastructure to use during call to
:class:`mlens.externals.joblib.Parallel`. See Joblib for further
documentation. To set global backend,
see :func:`~mlens.config.set_backend`.
raise_on_exception : bool (default = True)
whether to issue warnings on soft exceptions or raise error.
Examples include lack of layers, bad inputs, and failed fit of an
estimator in a layer. If set to ``False``, warnings are issued instead
but estimation continues unless exception is fatal. Note that this
can result in unexpected behavior unless the exception is anticipated.
verbose : int or bool (default = False)
level of verbosity.
n_jobs : int (default = -1)
Degree of concurrency in estimation. Set to -1 to maximize,
1 runs on a single process (or thread).
dtype : obj (default = np.float32)
data type to use, must be compatible with a numpy array dtype.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
super(BaseParallel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.name = name
self.__no_output__ = False
[docs] @abstractmethod
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterator for process manager"""
[docs] def setup(self, X, y, job, skip=None, **kwargs):
"""Setup instance for estimation"""
skip = ['_setup_%s' % s for s in skip] if skip else []
funs = [f for f in dir(self)
if f.startswith('_setup_') and f not in skip]
for f in sorted(funs):
func = getattr(self, f)
args = func.__func__.__code__.co_varnames
fargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in args}
func(X, y, job, **fargs)
[docs]class BaseEstimator(ParamMixin, _BaseEstimator, BaseParallel):
"""Base Parallel Estimator class
Modified Scikit-learn class to handle backend params that we want to
protect from changes.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BaseEstimator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__static__ = list()
self._static_fit_params = dict()
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True):
out = super(BaseEstimator, self).get_params(deep=deep)
for name in BaseBackend.__init__.__code__.co_varnames:
if name not in ['self']:
out[name] = getattr(self, name)
return out
def __fitted__(self):
"""Fit status"""
return self._check_static_params()
[docs]class BaseStacker(BaseEstimator):
"""Base class for instanes that stack job estimators"""
[docs] def __init__(self, stack=None, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(BaseStacker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if stack and not isinstance(stack, list):
raise ValueError("Stack must be a list. Got %r:" % type(stack))
self.stack = stack if stack else list()
self._verbose = verbose
[docs] @abstractmethod
def __iter__(self):
[docs] def push(self, *stack):
"""Push onto stack"""
check_stack(stack, self.stack)
for item in stack:
attr = item.name.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '').strip()
setattr(self, attr, item)
return self
[docs] def replace(self, idx, item):
"""Replace a current member of the stack with a new instance"""
attr = item.name.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '').strip()
setattr(self, attr, item)
self.stack[idx] = item
[docs] def pop(self, idx):
"""Pop a previous push with index idx"""
return self.stack.pop(idx)
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True):
"""Get parameters for this estimator.
deep : boolean, optional
whether to return nested parameters.
out = super(BaseStacker, self).get_params(deep=deep)
if not deep:
return out
for item in self.stack:
out[item.name] = item
for key, val in item.get_params(deep=True).items():
out['%s__%s' % (item.name, key)] = val
return out
def __fitted__(self):
"""Fitted status"""
if not self.stack or not self._check_static_params():
return False
return all([g.__fitted__ for g in self.stack])
def __stack__(self):
"""Check stack"""
if not isinstance(self.stack, list):
raise ValueError(
"Stack corrupted. Extected list. Got %r" % type(self.stack))
return len(self.stack) > 0
def verbose(self):
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, verbose):
"""Set verbosity"""
self._verbose = verbose
for g in self.stack:
g.verbose = verbose