Source code for mlens.model_selection.model_selection


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017-2018
:license: MIT

Model selection suite for tuning and benchmarking a set of estimators.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

from __future__ import division, with_statement

import warnings
import numpy as np

from ._base_functions import (parse_key, set_job, cat, check_scorer,
                              make_learners, make_tansformers, check_instances)
from ..index import FoldIndex
from ..parallel import ParallelEvaluation
from ..parallel.base import BaseBackend, IndexMixin
from ..metrics import Data, assemble_data
from ..utils.formatting import _flatten, _check_instances
from ..utils import print_time, safe_print, assert_correct_format
from ..externals.joblib import delayed
from ..externals.sklearn.base import clone

    from time import perf_counter as time
except ImportError:
    from time import time

    from collections import OrderedDict as _dict
except ImportError:
    _dict = dict

[docs]def benchmark(X, y, scorer, cv, estimators, preprocessing, error_score=None, **kwargs): """Benchmark estimators across preprocessing pipelines. :func:`benchmark` runs cross validation scoring of a set of estimators, possible against a set of preprocessing pipelines. Equivalent to :: evl = Benchmark(**kwargs), y, scorer, ...) .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data to preprocess and create folds from. y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, ] training labels. scorer : function a scoring function that follows the Scikit-learn API:: score = scorer(estimator, y_true, y_pred) A user defines scoring function, ``score = f(y_true, y_pred)`` can be made into a scorer by calling on the ML-Ensemble implementation of Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer``. NOTE: do **not** use Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer`` if the Evaluator is to be pickled. :: from mlens.metrics import make_scorer scorer = make_scorer(scoring_function, **kwargs) error_score : int, optional score to assign when fitting an estimator fails. If ``None``, the evaluator will raise an error. cv : int or obj (default = 2) cross validation folds to use. Either pass a ``KFold`` class that obeys the Scikit-learn API. estimators : list or dict, optional set of estimators to use. If no preprocessing is desired or if only on preprocessing pipeline should apply to all, pass a list of estimators. The list can contain elements of named tuples (i.e. ``('my_name', my_est)``). If different estimators should be mapped to preprocessing cases, a dictionary that maps estimators to each case should be passed: ``{'case_a': list_of_est, ...}``. preprocessing : dict, optional preprocessing cases to consider. Pass a dictionary mapping a case name to a preprocessing pipeline. :: preprocessing = {'case_name': transformer_list,} **kwargs : optional Optional arguments to :class:`~mlens.parallel.base.BaseBackend`. Returns ------- results : dict Summary output that shows data for best mean test scores, such as test and train scores, std, fit times, and params. """ evl = Benchmark(**kwargs), y, scorer, cv, estimators, preprocessing, error_score) return evl.results
[docs]class BaseEval(IndexMixin, BaseBackend): """Base Evaluation class.""" def __init__(self, verbose=False, array_check=None, **kwargs): self.verbose = verbose self._transformers = None self._learners = None super(BaseEval, self).__init__(**kwargs) if array_check is not None: warnings.warn( "array checking is deprecated. The array_check argument will be removed in 0.2.4.", DeprecationWarning) def __iter__(self): """Provide jobs for ParallelEvaluation manager""" yield self def __call__(self, parallel, args, case): """Process eval""" if self.verbose: f = "stdout" if self.verbose < 20 else "stderr" safe_print('Launching job', file=f) t0 = time() if 'preprocess' in case or self._transformers: # Second test is for already fitted pipes - need to be cached if self.verbose >= 2: safe_print(self._print_prep_start(), file=f) t1 = time() self._run('transformers', parallel, args) if 'preprocess' in case: self.collect(args['dir'], 'transformers') if self.verbose >= 2: print_time(t1, '{:<13} done'.format('Preprocessing'), file=f) if 'evaluate' in case: if self.verbose >= 2: safe_print(self._print_eval_start(), file=f) t1 = time() self._run('estimators', parallel, args) self.collect(args['dir'], 'estimators') if self.verbose >= 2: print_time(t1, '{:<13} done'.format('Evaluation'), file=f) if self.verbose: print_time(t0, '{:<13} done'.format('Job'), file=f) def _run(self, case, parallel, args): """Process eval""" path = args['dir'] _threading = self.backend == 'threading' if case == 'transformers': generator = self._transformers inp = 'auxiliary' else: generator = self._learners inp = 'main' parallel(delayed(subtask, not _threading)() for task in generator for subtask in task(args, inp)) def _fit(self, X, y, job): with ParallelEvaluation(self.backend, self.n_jobs) as manager: manager.process(self, job, X, y)
[docs] def collect(self, path, case): """Collect cache estimators""" if case == 'transformers': for transformer in self._transformers: transformer.collect(path) if case == 'estimators': for learner in self._learners: learner.collect(path)
@property def raw_data(self): """Cross validated scores""" data = list() for learner in self._learners: data.extend(learner.raw_data) return assemble_data(data) def _print_prep_start(self): """Message at start of preprocessing""" return "Preprocessing" def _print_eval_start(self): """Message at start of preprocessing""" return "Evaluating"
[docs]class Benchmark(BaseEval): """Benchmark engine without hyper-parameter grid search. A simplified version of the :class:`Evaluator` that performs a single pass over a set of estimators and preprocessing pipelines for benchmarking purposes. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, int, optional Verbosity during estimation. **kwargs : optional Optional keyword argument to :class:`~mlens.parallel.base.BaseBackend`. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, **kwargs): super(Benchmark, self).__init__(verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.results = None self.indexer = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, scorer, cv, estimators, preprocessing=None, error_score=None): """Run benchmarking job on given data with given estimators. Fit preprocessing if applicable and evaluate estimators if applicable. The method automatically determines whether to only run preprocessing, only evaluation (possibly on previously fitted preprocessing), or both. Calling ``fit`` will overwrite previously stored data where applicable. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data to preprocess and create folds from. y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, ] training labels. scorer : function a scoring function that follows the Scikit-learn API:: score = scorer(estimator, y_true, y_pred) A user defines scoring function, ``score = f(y_true, y_pred)`` can be made into a scorer by calling on the ML-Ensemble implementation of Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer``. NOTE: do **not** use Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer`` if the Evaluator is to be pickled. :: from mlens.metrics import make_scorer scorer = make_scorer(scoring_function, **kwargs) error_score : int, optional score to assign when fitting an estimator fails. If ``None``, the evaluator will raise an error. cv : int or obj (default = 2) cross validation folds to use. Either pass a ``KFold`` class that obeys the Scikit-learn API. estimators : list or dict, optional set of estimators to use. If no preprocessing is desired or if only on preprocessing pipeline should apply to all, pass a list of estimators. The list can contain elements of named tuples (i.e. ``('my_name', my_est)``). If different estimators should be mapped to preprocessing cases, a dictionary that maps estimators to each case should be passed: ``{'case_a': list_of_est, ...}``. preprocessing : dict, optional preprocessing cases to consider. Pass a dictionary mapping a case name to a preprocessing pipeline. :: preprocessing = {'case_name': transformer_list,} Returns ------- self : inst Fitted Benchmark instance. Results available in the ``results`` attribute. """ self.indexer = FoldIndex(folds=cv) assert_correct_format(estimators, preprocessing) if preprocessing is not None: self._transformers = make_tansformers( sorted(check_instances(preprocessing).items()), self.indexer, verbose=max(0, self.verbose - 14)) generator = [ (p_name, l_name, est, None, {}) for p_name, l_name, est in _flatten(check_instances(estimators))] self._learners = make_learners( generator, self.indexer, scorer, error_score, verbose=max(0, self.verbose - 14)) job = set_job(estimators, preprocessing) self._fit(X, y, job) self.results = Data(self.raw_data, decimals=3) return self
[docs]class Evaluator(BaseEval): r"""Model selection across several estimators and preprocessing pipelines. The :class:`Evaluator` allows users to evaluate several models in one call across a set preprocessing pipelines. The class is useful for comparing a set of estimators, especially when several preprocessing pipelines is to be evaluated. By pre-making all folds and iteratively fitting estimators with different parameter settings, array slicing and preprocessing is kept to a minimum. This can greatly reduced fit time compared to creating pipeline classes for each estimator and pipeline and fitting them one at a time in an Scikit-learn :class:`sklearn.model_selection.GridSearch` class. Preprocessing can be done before making any evaluation, and several evaluations can be made on the pre-made folds. Current implementation relies on a randomized grid search, so parameter grids must be specified as SciPy distributions (or a class that accepts an ``rvs`` method). .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Parameters ---------- scorer : function a scoring function that follows the Scikit-learn API:: score = scorer(estimator, y_true, y_pred) A user defines scoring function, ``score = f(y_true, y_pred)`` can be made into a scorer by calling on the ML-Ensemble implementation of Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer``. NOTE: do **not** use Scikit-learn's ``make_scorer`` if the Evaluator is to be pickled. :: from mlens.metrics import make_scorer scorer = make_scorer(scoring_function, **kwargs) error_score : int, optional score to assign when fitting an estimator fails. If ``None``, the evaluator will raise an error. cv : int or obj, default = 2 cross validation folds to use. Either pass a ``KFold`` class that obeys the Scikit-learn API. metrics : list, optional list of aggregation metrics to calculate on scores. Default is mean and standard deviation. shuffle : bool, default = True whether to shuffle input data before creating cv folds. random_state : int, optional seed for creating folds (if shuffled) and parameter draws n_jobs: int, default = -1 number of CPU cores to use. verbose : bool or int, default = False level of printed messages. Levels: #. ``verbose=1``: Message at start and end with total time #. ``verbose=2``: Additional messages for each sub-job \ (preprocess and evaluation) #. ``verbose in [3, 14]``: Additional messages with job \ completion status at increasing increasing frequency #. ``Verbose >= 15``: prints each job completed as \ [case].[est].[draw].[fold] If ``verbose>=20``, prints to ``sys.stderr``, else ``sys.stdout``. """ def __init__( self, scorer, cv=2, shuffle=True, random_state=None, error_score=None, metrics=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): super(Evaluator, self).__init__(**kwargs) check_scorer(scorer) self.scorer = scorer self.scores_ = None # TODO: Need to make this accept more than just FoldIndex = cv self.indexer = FoldIndex(cv) self.shuffle = shuffle self.error_score = error_score self.metrics = [np.mean, np.std] if metrics is None else metrics self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self._preprocessing = None self._transformers = None self._estimators = None self._learners = None self.n_iter = None self.params = None self.results = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, estimators=None, param_dicts=None, n_iter=2, preprocessing=None): """Fit Fit preprocessing if applicable and evaluate estimators if applicable. The method automatically determines whether to only run preprocessing, only evaluation (possibly on previously fitted preprocessing), or both. Calling ``fit`` will overwrite previously stored data where applicable. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data to preprocess and create folds from. y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, ] training labels. estimators : list or dict, optional set of estimators to use. If no preprocessing is desired or if only on preprocessing pipeline should apply to all, pass a list of estimators. The list can contain elements of named tuples (i.e. ``('my_name', my_est)``). If different estimators should be mapped to preprocessing cases, a dictionary that maps estimators to each case should be passed: ``{'case_a': list_of_est, ...}``. param_dicts : dict, optional parameter distribution mapping for estimators. Current implementation only supports randomized grid search. Passed distribution object must have an ``rvs`` method. See :mod:`scipy.stats` for details. There is quite some flexibility in specifying ``param_dicts``. If there is no preprocessing, or if all estimators are fitted on all preprocessing cases, the ``param_dict`` should have keys matching the names of the estimators. :: estimators = [('name', est), est] param_dicts = {'name': {'param-1': some_distribution}, 'est': {'param-1': some_distribution} } It is possible to specify different distributions for some or all preprocessing cases:: preprocessing = {'case-1': transformer_list, 'case-2': transformer_list} estimators = [('name', est), est] param_dicts = {'name': {'param-1': some_distribution}, ('case-1', 'est'): {'param-1': some_distribution} ('case-2', 'est'): {'param-1': some_distribution, 'param-2': some_distribution} } If estimators are mapped on a per-preprocessing case basis as a dictionary, ``param_dict`` must have key entries of the form ``(case_name, est_name)``. n_iter : int number of parameter draws to evaluate. preprocessing : dict, optional preprocessing cases to consider. Pass a dictionary mapping a case name to a preprocessing pipeline. :: preprocessing = {'case_name': transformer_list,} Returns ------- self : instance class instance with stored estimator evaluation results in the ``results`` attribute. """ job = set_job(estimators, preprocessing) self._initialize(job, estimators, preprocessing, param_dicts, n_iter) self._fit(X, y, job) self._get_results() return self
def _initialize(self, job, estimators, preprocessing, param_dicts, n_iter): """Set up generators for the job to be performed""" if preprocessing and isinstance(preprocessing, list): preprocessing = {'pr': preprocessing} if 'preprocess' in job: self._preprocessing = check_instances(preprocessing) self._transformers = make_tansformers( sorted(self._preprocessing.items()), self.indexer, verbose=max(0, self.verbose - 14)) if 'evaluate' in job: estimators = check_instances(estimators) estimators, param_dicts = self._format(estimators, param_dicts) self._estimators = estimators self.n_iter = n_iter self._draw_param_dicts(param_dicts) generator = [ (p_name, l_name, est, i, params) for p_name, l_name, est in _flatten(self._estimators) for i, params in enumerate(self.params[cat(p_name, l_name)])] self._learners = make_learners( generator, self.indexer, self.scorer, self.error_score, verbose=max(0, self.verbose - 14)) def _format(self, estimators, param_dicts): """Ensure estimator object and param_dict object have right format.""" preprocessing = self._preprocessing if not preprocessing: return estimators, param_dicts # Set parameter draws for each case if isinstance(estimators, list): # Cast estimators to all cases estimators = {k: [(n, clone(e)) for n, e in estimators] for k in preprocessing} # Build params per case params = dict() for key, pars in param_dicts.items(): splitted = key.split('.') if len(splitted) == 2: if splitted[0] not in preprocessing: raise ValueError( "invalid param_dict . Valid keys are " "'case_name.est_name' or 'est_name'. " "Failed on key entry {}.\n" "All keys: {}".format(key, list(preprocessing))) params[key] = pars else: # have an est_name key entry. Need to generate for case in preprocessing.keys(): key_ = '%s.%s' % (case, key) if key_ in params: # We do not want to overwrite user-specified dists continue params[key_] = pars # Quick safety check assert_correct_format(estimators, preprocessing) return estimators, params def _draw_params(self, param_dists): """Draw a list of param dictionaries for estimator.""" # Set up empty list of parameter setting param_draws = [{} for _ in range(self.n_iter)] # Fill list of parameter settings by param for param, dist in param_dists.items(): draws = dist.rvs(size=self.n_iter, random_state=self.random_state) for i, draw in enumerate(draws): param_draws[i][param] = draw return param_draws def _set_params(self, param_dicts, key): """Try to set params, and if failure set an empty list.""" try: self.params[key] = \ self._draw_params(param_dicts[key]) except KeyError: # No param draws desired. Set empty dict. warnings.warn("No valid parameters found for {}. Will fit and " "score once with given parameter " "settings.".format(key)) self.params[key] = [{}] def _draw_param_dicts(self, param_dicts): """For each estimator, create a mapping of parameter draws.""" self.params = dict() if not self._preprocessing: # No preprocessing # the expected param_dicts key is 'est_name' for est_name, _ in self._estimators: self._set_params(param_dicts, est_name) else: # Preprocessing # Iterate over cases, expected param_dicts key is # 'case_name__est_name' if isinstance(self._preprocessing, dict): for case in self._preprocessing: for est_name, _ in self._estimators[case]: self._set_params( param_dicts, '%s.%s' % (case, est_name)) else: for est_name, _ in self._estimators: self._set_params(param_dicts, est_name) def _get_results(self): """For each case-estimator, return best param draw from cv results.""" data = self.raw_data best = _dict() for key, val in data.items(): best[key] = _dict() for k in val.keys(): case_est, _ = parse_key(k) best[key][case_est] = None best['params'] = _dict() for k in data['test_score-m'].keys(): case_est, _ = parse_key(k) best['params'][case_est] = None for key, score in data['test_score-m'].items(): case_est, draw = parse_key(key) old_score = best['test_score-m'][case_est] if old_score is None or score > old_score: best['test_score-m'][case_est] = score for k, val in data.items(): best[k][case_est] = val[key] best['params'][case_est] = self.params[case_est][int(draw)] self.results = Data(best, decimals=3) def _print_prep_start(self): """Print preprocessing start and return timer.""" msg = 'Preprocessing %i preprocessing pipelines over %i CV folds' p = len(getattr(self, '_preprocessing', [1])) c = if isinstance(, int) else return msg % (p, c) def _print_eval_start(self): """Print initiation message and return timer.""" preprocessing = getattr(self, '_preprocessing', None) if preprocessing is None: msg = ('Evaluating %i models for %i parameter draws over %i ' 'CV folds, totalling %i fits') e, c, tot = self._get_count(preprocessing) return msg % (e, self.n_iter, c, tot) else: msg = ('Evaluating %i models for %i parameter draws over %i' + ' preprocessing pipelines and %i CV folds, ' 'totalling %i fits') e, p, c, tot = self._get_count(preprocessing) return msg % (e, self.n_iter, p, c, tot) def _get_count(self, preprocessing): """Utility for counting number of fits to make.""" c = if preprocessing is None: # Simply grab length of estimator list e = len(self._estimators) tot = e * c * self.n_iter return int(e), int(c), int(tot) else: # Need to consider cases p = len(preprocessing) if isinstance(self._estimators, list): # If all estimators are applied to all cases, just grab # length of list and multiply by cases e = len(self._estimators) * p else: # Sum over cases e = 0 for v in self._estimators.values(): e += len(v) tot = e * self.n_iter * c return int(e), int(p), int(c), int(tot)