Source code for mlens.index.blend


:author: Sebastian Flennerhag
:copyright: 2017-2018
:licence: MIT

Blend indexing.
from __future__ import division

from numbers import Integral
import numpy as np

from ._checks import check_partial_index
from .base import BaseIndex

[docs]class BlendIndex(BaseIndex): """Indexer that generates two non-overlapping subsets of ``X``. Iterator that generates one training fold and one test fold that are non-overlapping and that may or may not partition all of X depending on the user's specification. BlendIndex creates a singleton generator (has on iteration) that yields two tuples of ``(start, stop)`` integers that can be used for numpy array slicing (i.e. ``X[stop:start]``). If a full array index is desired this can easily be achieved with:: for train_tup, test_tup in self.generate(): train_slice = numpy.hstack([numpy.arange(t0, t1) for t0, t1 in train_tup]) test_slice = numpy.hstack([numpy.arange(t0, t1) for t0, t1 in test_tup]) Parameters ---------- test_size : int or float (default = 0.5) Size of the test set. If ``float``, assumed to be proportion of full data set. train_size : int or float, optional Size of test set. If not specified (i.e. ``train_size = None``, train_size is equal to ``n_samples - test_size``. If ``float``, assumed to be a proportion of full data set. If ``train_size`` + ``test_size`` amount to less than the observations in the full data set, a subset of specified size will be used. X : array-like of shape [n_samples,] , optional the training set to partition. The training label array is also, accepted, as only the first dimension is used. If ``X`` is not passed at instantiation, the ``fit`` method must be called before ``generate``, or ``X`` must be passed as an argument of ``generate``. raise_on_exception : bool (default = True) whether to warn on suspicious slices or raise an error. See Also -------- :class:`FoldIndex`, :class:`SubsetIndex` Examples -------- Selecting an absolute test size, with train size as the remainder >>> import numpy as np >>> from mlens.index import BlendIndex >>> X = np.arange(8) >>> idx = BlendIndex(3, rebase=True) >>> print('Test size: 3') >>> for tri, tei in idx.generate(X): ... print('TEST (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tei[0], tei[1], ... X[tei[0]:tei[1]])) ... print('TRAIN (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tri[0], tri[1], ... X[tri[0]:tri[1]])) Test size: 3 TEST (idx | array): (5, 8) | array([5, 6, 7]) TRAIN (idx | array): (0, 5) | array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) Selecting a test and train size less than the total >>> import numpy as np >>> from mlens.index import BlendIndex >>> X = np.arange(8) >>> idx = BlendIndex(3, 4, X) >>> print('Test size: 3') >>> print('Train size: 4') >>> for tri, tei in idx.generate(X): ... print('TEST (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tei[0], tei[1], ... X[tei[0]:tei[1]])) ... print('TRAIN (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tri[0], tri[1], ... X[tri[0]:tri[1]])) Test size: 3 Train size: 4 TEST (idx | array): (4, 7) | array([4, 5, 6]) TRAIN (idx | array): (0, 4) | array([0, 1, 2, 3]) Selecting a percentage of observations as test and train set >>> import numpy as np >>> from mlens.index import BlendIndex >>> X = np.arange(8) >>> idx = BlendIndex(0.25, 0.45, X) >>> print('Test size: 25% * 8 = 2') >>> print('Train size: 45% * 8 < 4 -> 3') >>> for tri, tei in idx.generate(X): ... print('TEST (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tei[0], tei[1], ... X[tei[0]:tei[1]])) ... print('TRAIN (idx | array): (%i, %i) | %r ' % (tri[0], tri[1], ... X[tri[0]:tri[1]])) Test size: 25% * 8 = 2 Train size: 50% * 8 < 4 -> TEST (idx | array): (3, 5) | array([[3, 4]]) TRAIN (idx | array): (0, 3) | array([[0, 1, 2]]) Rebasing the test set to be 0-indexed >>> import numpy as np >>> from mlens.index import BlendIndex >>> X = np.arange(8) >>> idx = BlendIndex(3, rebase=True) >>> print('Test size: 3') >>> for tri, tei in idx.generate(X): ... print('TEST tuple: (%i, %i) | array: %r' % (tei[0], tei[1], ... np.arange(tei[0], ... tei[1]))) Test size: 3 TEST tuple: (0, 3) | array: array([0, 1, 2]) """ def __init__(self, test_size=0.5, train_size=None, X=None, raise_on_exception=True): super(BlendIndex, self).__init__() self.n_train = None self.n_test = None self.test_size = test_size self.train_size = train_size self.raise_on_exception = raise_on_exception if X is not None:
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, job=None): """Method for storing array data. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape [n_samples, optional] array to _collect dimension data from. y : None for compatibility job : None for compatibility Returns ------- instance : indexer with stores sample size data. """ self.n_samples = X.shape[0] # Get number of test samples if isinstance(self.test_size, Integral): self.n_test = self.test_size else: self.n_test = int(np.floor(self.test_size * self.n_samples)) # Get number of train samples if self.train_size is None: # Partition X - we coerce a positive value here: # if n_test is oversampled will get at final check self.n_train = int(np.floor(np.abs(self.n_samples - self.n_test))) elif isinstance(self.train_size, Integral): self.n_train = self.train_size else: self.n_train = int(np.floor(self.train_size * self.n_samples)) check_partial_index(self.n_samples, self.test_size, self.train_size, self.n_test, self.n_train) self.n_test_samples = self.n_test self.__fitted__ = True return self
def _gen_indices(self): """Return train and test set index generator.""" # Blended train set is from 0 to n, with test set from n to N # There is no iteration. yield (0, self.n_train), (self.n_train, self.n_train + self.n_test)